Buddhist robes in the middle of the water


The tradition of offering robes in the middle of the water of Pak Nam Prae District, Klaeng District, Rayong Province, which is the only tradition in Thailand. There are robes in the daytime and Loi Krathong at night. Paying respect to water in the middle of the Prasae people Follow the way of life of people who settle near the river, which is the Prasae River. People are fishermen. The Prasae people have been Buddhism since their ancestors. When he had money he thought of making merit. But the Prasae people in the past have a tradition that If anyone makes merit at home, making merit, getting married or making merit, whatever, they must also offer robes.
The tradition of offering robes in the middle of the water. It is assumed to be passed on for over 100 years. The ramie bush will use branches from astringents or saplings. Which is a tree that generally depends on the mangrove forest Decorate the shrubs beautifully decorated ramie. After that, the monks were invited to draw robes from Buddhist rituals. By inviting monks into a boat to a bush in the middle of the Prasae river People who participate in the ceremony will row their boat or kayak to participate in the ceremony in the middle of the river. After performing the ritual, throwing robes in the middle of the water People will join fun activities. By arranging games such as Rowing boat racing, rowing competitions, rowing boat racing across the bamboo trunk Boxing Tournament
The offering of robes in the middle of the water has evolved continuously. Nowadays, there are hundreds of large fishing boats coming to flock to the shrubbery. Inside the boat, musical instruments will be played all the time. And in front of the house of the Pak Nam Prasae villagers, will place a bush of ramie in front of their house, 1 bush each house according to the faith Beautify Then invited the monks from Takian Ngam temple to draw Pha Pa bush.

Location : Pra sae Royal Warship, Rayong Province
Opening days and hour : Date 09 - 11 Nov 2019
contact phone number :
0 3866 1720-1